Our Faculty


Our Faculty

At Trinity School, our faculty and staff are the heartbeat of our mission, bringing it to life each day with dedication and passion. Our team is not just academically accomplished but also deeply committed to fostering a nurturing and enriching learning environment.

Our educators create a vibrant, interactive educational landscape where the principles of Charlotte Mason and classical education blend seamlessly to emphasize character development and the joy of lifelong learning. In their classrooms, they offer personalized attention to ensure that every child feels valued and understood.

Beyond academic achievements, our teachers focus on character building to instill values of respect, responsibility, and learning that transcend the classroom walls.

At Trinity, our teachers and administrators serve as mentors, guides, and caring adults who truly know and love each student. These professionals work together to craft an atmosphere in which every child can not only grow but thrive.

With more than 11 years of instructional experience on average, our teachers are seasoned professionals who excel in connecting with each student, recognizing their unique potential and nurturing their innate curiosity.


of the faculty at Trinity School have an advanced degree, either a master’s degree or a PhD.


of the faculty possess a terminal degree (for example, a PhD). ​


of the faculty at Trinity School have been teaching for 10 years or more.

Faculty & Staff Directory

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Leslie Alkins
Trinity Neighborhood Staff
Olga App
Teacher - 4th Grade
My teaching career began in 1999, and over the years I have taught in a variety of school settings, which has given me the wonderful opportunity of getting to know people from many different backgrounds. Most recently, I have taught fifth grade in a Christian classical school. I have also loved teaching math to middle schoolers through the Liberty Partnership Program and teaching literacy to struggling readers in the Healthy Kids After School Program. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with family. My favorite Bible verse is Genesis 50:20, because these are the words of forgiveness that Joseph speaks over his brothers but can also be the words of Christ and all who follow him.
Morgan Arant
MS Latin Teacher
I have taught at Trinity since 2020, after teaching high school Latin for a number of years at public and private schools throughout the Southeast. Latin is an essential foundation for students as they begin to examine language more closely in their studies. And while language skills are the focus of the course, I love sharing so much more with the students—knowledge of Roman history, mythology, and the society in which Jesus lived and the early Church served. I grew up in Memphis, but family in Durham brought me to the area frequently over the years. Outside of school, you’ll likely find me spending time with family, running on area trails, reading, or watching basketball. One of my favorite Bible verses is 1 John 4:16: “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”
Tianna Berkel
Trinity Neighborhood Assistant
Ami Berry
3rd Grade TA
After spending 23 years as a pharmacist, I felt led by the Lord to explore my interest in elementary education. I started working as a fourth-grade teaching assistant in February 2022 at Morris Grove Elementary School. I’ve always been interested in various styles of education and found myself drawn to an ecumenical classical Christian school. In my free time, I enjoy spending time in the mountains with my husband and children, frequenting farmer’s markets, and all things creative and artistic. Favorite Verse: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 BS in Pharmacy, Ohio Northern University
Cheryl Blake
I have a deep passion to provide care to the young people at Trinity. It is an honor to work in an environment that supports the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of all students in order to keep them in school. I look forward to the daily student visits and cherish the time I can spend with each student, hearing their stories, and offering them comfort.
Gregg Bordeaux
Maintenance Technician
Sarah Brignoni
US Mathematics Teacher
Having grown up in England and various places in the southeast, I finally settled in North Carolina, where I attended university at Chapel Hill. After graduating in 2013, I came to Trinity to teach algebra and Latin in the Middle School. In 2019, my family and I moved to Northern Virginia where I taught upper school mathematics, and I was pleased to return in 2021 to serve Trinity's students again in the Upper School. Prior to joining the faculty at Trinity, I served as a math lab assistant at St. Thomas More School, and additionally taught catechesis and Taekwondo. To delve into “the language in which God has written the universe”, as Galileo has observed, is a passion of mine. To be able to explore the patterns and relationships in the world He has created with our students, moreover, is truly a privilege. When my two young daughters aren’t keeping me busy, I enjoy exploring languages, singing polyphonic music in my church choir, and playing games (all sorts). ”Our Lord does not so much look at the greatness of our actions, or even at their difficulty, as at the love with which we do them.” – St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Missy Brinegar
Art Teacher
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. - John W. Gardner BA, Art History, Barat College ASID, Harrington College of Design
George Brunner
Assistant Director Advancement, Capital Campaign, and Annual Fund
I began at Trinity in the Spring of 2024. Prior to this, I served as the Director of Development for Elon Catholic Campus Ministry, and before that, as Assistant Director of Development at the Duke Catholic Center. I’ve served the Church for over 12 years. I’m married and have four children. In my free time, I enjoy rock climbing, board games, and officiating lacrosse. My favorite Scripture passage is Matthew 16:13-20. BA in Political Science, Mount St. Mary's University
Micah Buchanan
Latin Teacher
I started teaching in 2021, just shortly after graduating from UNC-CH here in the Triangle. Latin lives today in the vocabulary of the Romance languages and the grammar of many Teutonic languages. Studying it from an early age provides students with the fundamentals to go on to study a variety of literatures and cultures. It also helps develop key skills in analysis and linguistic creativity. I’m excited to share my passion for language through teaching Latin to Lower School students with creative and interdisciplinary instruction. I was raised in the mountains of North Carolina, surrounded by forests of towering pini strobi and ever-versatile acri rubri. I began my linguistic study with Spanish in the eighth grade, and went on to study Portuguese, Cape Verdean Creole, Ancient Greek and Latin in my pre-collegiate and university careers. In my spare time, I enjoy practicing martial arts, catching up on my favorite series, cooking, woodcarving, and reading. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. –??Philippians? ?2:3?
Cathleen Buckley
6th Grade Science and Bible Teacher
I began my career as a science teacher in a small Christian school in the Washington, DC area. After I met and married my husband, Stephen, I enjoyed a decade at home with our two (now-adult) children. Over the years I’ve directed children’s ministries and taught science or math in Kenya, Brazil, Florida, and Zambia. What a gift it is to return to my roots to teach sixth grade Earth Science and Bible. I pray that students will know, believe, and proclaim Psalm 90:2, “Before the mountains were born, Before you gave birth to the earth and the world, From beginning to end, You are God.”
Julie Burson
Lower School Librarian
I have taught first or second grade for a total of seven years in Atlanta, Chapel Hill, and Los Angeles. My children began Trinity School when they were in Kindergarten and it feels more like a family than simply a school. We recently lived in Switzerland for two and a half years. Returning to Trinity feels like coming home. While away it was obvious that our family approached our school relationships differently than most people at our international school. Often, people we met became curious to learn more about our background which gave us ample opportunity to share why we might seem different–to God be the glory! But it reminded me of a Winnie the Pooh quote that I love: “Some people care too much. I think it's called love.” It’s my privilege and delight to join the faculty and staff in service to Jesus Christ and Trinity School.
Ashley Cade
Learning Specialist
I am a native of O-H-I-O and graduated from Marietta College with a BA in accounting. I also spent the majority of my time outside of the classroom rowing on the Muskingum River. I recently completed my certificate in Counseling Education at North Carolina State University. God has used many surprising twists and turns along my path to lead me to my heart's longing…a career in education and working with children. My husband, Todd, and our three courageous children, Lucy, Emily, and Will (and chocolate lab Haven Grace), moved to Durham in June 2020 after 18 years in St. Louis. I spend most of my free time with my family. We love to hike, read, laugh, and explore our new state together. I love running with my pup, cooking, working out, reading, good coffee, and cool mornings sitting quietly on my front porch. My favorite verse is Zephaniah 3:17: “The Lord your God is in your midst; a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.”
Joy Campbell
Director of Trinity Neighborhood and Camp Programs
I am a native of Durham, NC. I have had a love for children since I was in high school and knew that I would always work with children and families. I have two children, Emmanuel and Mason, and I love singing, traveling, worshipping, doing hair, and spending time with family and friends. I started my work in after-school as a group leader with Durham Public Schools in 2001, and have enjoyed creating long-lasting relationships with families. My favorite scripture is John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." God is doing a great work in me, and I want to show it to the world and anyone whose path I may cross.

Where Now?Explore More


  • Kingdom Diversity

    Our Christian mission fosters unity, equity, and inclusivity, embracing all backgrounds to enrich faith and learning.

  • Our Faculty

    With an average of 11+ years of experience, our educators ensure each student thrives in a personalized environment.

  • Campus & Location

    Uncover the tranquil essence of Trinity School in Durham, North Carolina, nestled between trails, creeks, and forests.

  • Classical, Rich & Unhurried

    With Trinity's unique approach to education, classical wisdom meets rich learning in an unhurried environment.

  • Our Faith

    At Trinity, our Christian faith deeply informs our educational ethos, welcoming diversity and fostering excellence.