

A Classical Approach to Learning

Charlotte Mason, a notable nineteenth-century British educator, made significant contributions to the fields of educational philosophy and pedagogy. Her comprehensive six-volume work focuses on an educational philosophy that emphasizes character development and the nurturing of lifelong learning.

Children at Trinity are viewed as full human persons, made in the image of God and deserving of respect. We recognize them as being inherently eager to learn, active seekers of new ideas rather than passive recipients of existing information.


Group of young Trinity Lower School students outside smiling

At Trinity, learning is designed to be both teacher-guided and student-directed. Our teachers are designers of learning experiences, focusing on stimulating curiosity rather than just conveying information.

Trinity acknowledges that atmosphere educates. The school environment is crafted to encourage positive traits like carefulness, politeness, and self-discipline. Children learn these attributes through the environments in which they live and learn, underscoring the importance of modeling character development in educational settings.

Transitional Kindergarten: A Foundation in Academics and Play

Our transitional kindergarten (TK) offers a nurturing environment uniquely designed for younger five-year-olds. Blending academics with play, these little ones begin their journey with an appreciation of the fine arts, including an introduction to the works of Paul Klee. Special events in TK include decorating gingerbread houses, participating in a Nativity Play, and the eagerly anticipated TK Circus.

Kindergarten: Cultivating Habits of Good Learning

In Kindergarten, students who are 5 years old by the start of the school year engage in a community emphasizing the development of good learning habits. These foundational habits support student growth of math and pre-reading skills. In addition to skill development, artistic exploration of works by Van Gogh, Monet, Matisse, Degas, and Alma Thomas enhance learning. Memorable events like Pet Day, Favorite Color Day, the “HoeDown,” “Apple Day,” “Christmas Around the World,” and the “Art Gallery” enrich student experience and encourage the cultivation of good learning habits.

Trinity embraces education as the “science of relations,” aiming to foster a child’s connection to the world; an approach ensures children are provided with a rich curriculum.

First Grade: A World of Discovery

First Grade at Trinity is where the journey of reading and writing truly blossom in a loving environment. Our students engage in a variety of unit studies spanning topics from geography and trees to birds and the life of Jesus. These topics align with the Charlotte Mason philosophy of comprehensive learning and nature studies, culminating in special days where students showcase their newfound knowledge.

Second Grade: Engaging with Nature and History

Second Grade is an exciting time of exploration, focusing on nature and Early America. Monthly unit studies capture the imagination and culminate in events like “Colonial Trade Day” and the hatching of baby chicks in the spring. The second grade art focus includes Thomas Gainsborough and Mary Cassatt which foster a deep appreciation for artistic expression.

Third Grade: Expanding Horizons

In Third Grade, students delve into a variety of engaging subjects including spices, maps, explorers, and global geography. These studies are celebrated through special events such as “Spice Day,” “State Day,” and “Country Day.” Artistic studies feature Giotto and Monet while music appreciation includes composers like Rimsky-Korsakov, Holst, Charles Ives, and Tchaikovsky.

Fourth Grade: Project-Based Learning and Collaboration

Fourth Grade is a pivotal year where students engage in individual and group projects focusing on Van Gogh's art. Unit studies span from the classic book Shiloh to biographies and ancient cultures, culminating in special presentation days for family and peers.

Fifth Grade: Interdisciplinary Learning and Team Teaching

Fifth Grade introduces an interdisciplinary learning environment with students rotating between 2 classes: Math/Science and English/History/Bible. The curriculum includes a Science Fair, Greco-Roman Day, and a student “Coffee House” event during National Novel Writing Month. Fifth grade Art studies concentrate on works by Raphael to enhance students’ artistic literacy.

Sixth Grade: Preparing for Adolescence and Middle School

Sixth Grade at Trinity is tailored to support students through early adolescence. Transitioning to a Middle School schedule, they engage in group and individual projects with the highlight event being “Medieval Day.” Unique to Trinity, sixth graders can participate in interscholastic sports to offer a comprehensive developmental experience.

Where Now?Explore the Lower School


  • Athletics

    Embrace the benefits of physical activity in Trinity School's Lower School PE, where play and physical activity are part of the learning process.

  • Arts

    Trinity's Lower School Arts Program enriches students with a Classical and Christ-centered education in visual and performing arts.

  • Student Support

    Trinity School provides a tailored support system for Lower School students, emphasizing early intervention in reading and math.

  • Academic

    Discover Trinity School's academic programs rooted in Charlotte Mason's principles, nurturing a child's love for learning and growth in character.

  • Transitional Kindergarten

    Join Trinity's Transitional Kindergarten, where young learners thrive in a nurturing environment designed for their unique developmental stage.